About the Artist




Gilbertto Prado was born in Santos, Brazil and he is a multimedia artist. He studied Engineering and Visual Arts in the Unicamp (State University of Campinas - São Paulo). In 1994 he obtained his doctoral degree in Arts in the University of Paris I - Sorbonne and currently he is Professor at the Department of Visual Arts at the ECA/USP - Communication and Arts School at University of São Paulo, Brazil. He started his artistic activities in the end of the 70's, taking part of the Mail Art movement participating in several exhibitions and projects, among which are the XVI Bienal de São Paulo, (sector: Mail Art, 1981). He also conceived and organized exhibitions such as the Welcomet Mr. Halley , Paço das Artes, São Paulo (1985); A Terra e Seus Terraqueos em 88 , Clube de Criação de São Paulo. In the 80's he started to work in a much systematic way with the telematic communication artistic networks, participating in many projects like City Portraits/Art-Réseaux, Galerie Donguy, Paris (1990); Mutations de l'image , Vidéothèque de Paris (1994). He also conceived and took part of projects within the same scope as the Connect - Galerie Bernanos (1991); Chain Reaction (1991) and Moone (1992), Atelier des Réseaux - Machines à Communiquer, La Villette, Paris.


Among his last participations: Arte e Tecnologia MAC - USP (1995), Mediações in the Centro Itaú Cultural (1997) and City Canibal - Paço das Artes, São Paulo (1998). In 1999 participate in the I Bienal de Arte de America Latina, La Grande Arche La Defense, Paris; exhibithion "Imaterias", Instituto Cultural Itaú, São Paulo, SP and II Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, RS. Also participate in medi@terra, Athens, Greece (2000); AAA: Archiving as Art - Université de Paris 1/ISEA (2000); Link_Age, MECAD, Barcelona, Spain (2001) and The 9th.Prix Möbius International, Beijing, China (2001); Sala de Arte Contemporáneo Luis Miró Quesada Garland, Lima, Peru (2002); XXV Bienal Internacional de São Paulo (Net Arte), 2002; “>=4D”, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Brasília (2004); Corpos Virtuais, Espaço Telemar, RJ (2005); Cinético Digital at Itaú Cultural, São Paulo (2005). and in the exhibithion Interconnect@ between attention and immersion, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany (2006); Memória do Futuro, Itaú Cultural (2007); Chain Reaction, Museum of the City of Skopje, Macedonia (2008); Bienal: Arte Nuevo InteractivA 09, Museo de la Ciudad, Mérida, Yucatan, México (2009); Galeria Expandida, Luciana Brito, São Paulo; Emoçao Art.ficial 5.0, Itaú Cultural (2010); EmMeios#3, Museu Nacional da República, Brasília (2011) and III Mostra 3M de Arte Digital: Tecnofagias, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo (2012).


Published in 2003 at Itaú Cultural, SP, the book: “Arte Telemática: dos intercâmbios pontuais aos ambientes virtuais multiusuário”.

He was professor at Arts Institute of the State University of Campinas and Invited Professor at University of Paris 8.