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Depois do Turismo vem o Colunismo (1998)
The installation "Depois do Turismo vem o Colunismo" (After the Turismo comes the Colunismo*) consisted of a “portal” with two Webcams connected to Internet which were started by sensors disposed in the physical space of the installation through the visitors’ passage.
That local image grabbed in real time was mixed with the ones of an image data base and made available throughout the net. The images available on the data base arise from scenes of anthropophagi, pictures of XVI and XVII centuries, witch portray the foreign view of the first visitors, tourists of the Terra Brasilis, mixed with artistic references, contemporary and also from other periods.
The Web users could look at the space through webcam. The work was made with humor about the presence, the foreign look, the contamination and the cultural cannibalism.
This Web installation took part, between September 3 and October 31, 1998, in the exhibition “City Canibal” at the Paço das Artes in São Paulo and in the sites selection in the Web Art of the 24th Biennial, in São Paulo, 1998. * Play on words in portuguese among: colunista (columnist), coluna (spine) and colunável (celebrity).
PRADO, Gilbertto. Algumas experiências de arte em rede: projetos wAwRwT, colunismo e desertesejo in Porto Arte, v. 17, n. 28 (2010) – Dossiê. Disponível em:
PRADO, Gilbertto. “Utlizações artísticas de WebCam: projetos Viridis e Colunismo in Anais do X Encontro Nacional da ANPAP (Associação Nacional de Pesquisadores em Artes Plásticas), São Paulo, 1999, Vol. 2, pp. 199-205.
COELHO, Marcelo. “Cidade canibaliza o belo clássico no Paço das Artes” in Folha de São Paulo, Ilustrada, p. 4-7, 30 de setembro de 1998.
SANTOS, Alckmar Luís dos. "Do caracter visual do Ciberespaço e de suas Artes", in Cadernos da Pós-Graduação, Instituto de Artes, Unicamp, Vol 2, nº 1, 1998, pp. 55-63.
SANTOS, Alckmar Luís dos. “Novas e antigas textualidades/novos e antigos sentidos” in Revista da Biblioteca Mário de Andrade, V. 58, pp. 51 – 64, São Paulo, 2000.